A question we often get at The Cabinet Face is if IKEA cabinet systems – Sektion, Godmorgon, and PAX – can only be used in the rooms that they were originally designed for (kitchen, bathroom, and closet, respectively). The quick answer: you’re not limited to those uses! IKEA cabinet boxes and our custom fronts can be installed in many creative ways to transform your home. Check out the storage and design ideas below to inspire your home improvement project.
Think Outside the (Cabinet) Box
When you think about it, IKEA cabinet boxes are like LEGO blocks for adults. You can arrange, stack, or move them around to fit your space. Then, finish the look with custom fronts, panels, spacers, fillers, and trim from The Cabinet Face to create a stunning result. Some of our favorite customer projects have involved using Sektion, Godmorgon, and PAX cabinet bases in unexpected ways. Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing!
Creative Ideas for IKEA Cabinet Bases and Custom Fronts
The Sektion system offers a wide variety of cabinet base sizes and drawer configurations, allowing them to be installed in rooms beyond the kitchen. Godmorgon and PAX also can pack a storage and design punch when you think outside of the box. See how you can use IKEA cabinet bases and The Cabinet Face’s products to fulfill your storage needs and exceed your design dreams.
The Cabinetry Possibilities Are Endless
IKEA cabinet systems offer a multitude of configurations and box sizes, allowing them to go beyond their intended rooms and sparking new exciting ideas. Then when you consider the numerous cabinet fronts, panels, spacers, fillers, and trim The Cabinet Face manufactures in Colorado – there’s no limit to what you can achieve with your cabinets! Get the cabinets and closets you’ve always wanted without overspending them.
Browse our materials to see how you can transform your cabinet boxes with quality craftsmanship.